Fotografía: Minerva Hernández
Experimental installation aimed to detect the contamination of transgenic corn in domestic territory. Exhibited in the MUAC, this work was developed jointly with the Department of Agricultural Engineering at FES-Cuautitlán, UNAM. It testes the resistance of GMO corn and the intolerance of native corn and other crops associated to the traditional Mexican fields to the glyphosate-based herbicide.
What is a seed? It can be the source from which everything arises is. It is also the end of life processes. A seed, his apparently solitary structure, summarizes thousands of years of dynamic evolution. It can also be the cause of something, something that mediated from a process. Corn seeds are an artifactual entity, the result of thousands of years of selection and domestication of a "native" wild plant called teosinte. Corn is the biggest achievement of both ingenuity and creativity of ethnic groups in Mesoamerica; It is unmatched by any other crops that feed humanity. Current maize is the result of the history of those who have preceded us for seven thousand years ago. The design of this piece is based partly on the indistinguishability of transgenic maize because there is nothing in its externality that identifies him as such. In this sense, the piece moves away from the traditional aesthetic that could commonly be associated with an "artificial-device". The seedlings are presented in wooden structures whose minimalist aesthetic could remind us of the simple ephemeral furniture that could be built in the countryside. The placement of such furniture aims to make a reminiscing of something between a cornfield and a greenhouse. Clear acrylic panels were placed on some of their sides to make a subtle gesture of the plasticity of the seeds.
In MuAC, Mexico City 2012 , also exhibited at Sul-Sol Odemira, Portugal 2013. Texts: Arte+Ciencia, UNAM.
The book on this exibition has recently been published and can be purchased at Bonilla Bookstore.